Basketball match of Dongyun machinery manufacturing company

Playing basketball regularly has many advantages, which can speed up the growth of height, improve the reaction ability in the process of catching and dribbling, and make the body stronger in the process of sports. Improve the ability of observation and decision-making. Develop a sense of teamwork and understand the importance of interpersonal cooperation. Cultivate courage and a spirit of adventure, and develop the ability to judge accurately and decisively when things happen. Can make people dare to fail, perseverance. Develop leadership and coordination skills. Playing basketball often is of great help to one's health.

In order to enrich staff’s spare time  life and enhance their physical quality. On New Year's day this year, our company has a basketball match with 5 brother companies. There are six teams in total in this gamewhich include Dongguan Yuncheng Plate-making Company  1,  Dongguan Yuncheng Plate-making Company 2,Dongguan Yuncheng Plate-making Company 3 Dongguan Yuncheng Plate making Corporation,and Dongguan Yuncheng Magnesium Industry Co. LTD,and  my company Dongguan Dongyun Machinery Manufacturing Co. LTD. The players are actively engaged in and give their best in the game. Cheerleaders cheered for them! In the process of the game, the referees enforce the law impartially, seriously and make their best efforts to judge every ball, ensuring the fairness, continuity and appreciation of the game. All the players on the field worked hard and bravely all the way to show the style of the players, which made the basketball match colorful, vivid and extraordinarily successful.

In the end, a team of our company won the championship of this competition. This competition enhanced the cohesion of every employee and showed the style of our company. Everyone is very happy.Finally, Mr. Chen, deputy general manager of Dongguan Yuncheng Plate-making Corporation, Mr. Zhang, financial manager, and Mr. Wang, general manager of Dongguan Dongyun Machinery Manufacturing, presented awards to the athletes. They highly praised their enterprising spirit and  wished them to work harder and be happier in the future.


Post time: Feb-13-2020