Discussion between Ding Xiaoqiang and Liu Keli, chairman of Yuncheng plate making group


On 15 September, Ding Xiaoqiang, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, and Liu Keli, chairman of Yuncheng plate making group, held a discussion. Both parties fully communicated and reached consensus on accelerating the implementation of industrial projects.City leaders Qiao Dengzhou and Cui Yuanbin attended the symposium.


Ding Xiaoqiang expressed his gratitude to Liu Keli for his important contribution to the economic and social development of Yuncheng over the years.Ding Xiaoqiang pointed out that Yuncheng plate making group insisted on innovation driven, strengthened scientific research and development, strengthened technical reserves, and occupied the market commanding heights with high-end technology and excellent products. The enterprise went out of Yuncheng, went to the whole country and went to the world, continuously consolidated its development and became a large multinational company firmly at the forefront of plate making industry. All of these cannot be separated from the enterprise leaders with long-term vision and keen innovationPeople.In the upsurge of industry, project and industry in the city, Yuncheng plate making group actively returned to its hometown and returned to invest in the industry, reflecting the care, care and support of chairman Liu Keli for the development of his hometown.The municipal Party committee, the municipal government and all departments at all levels should continue to do a good job of “shop assistants”, take the initiative to provide services and follow up services, and make every effort to promote the smooth implementation, commencement and effectiveness of the project.We hope that the enterprise will adhere to the overall design and step by step implementation in the implementation of new projects, vigorously apply new technologies, new materials and new equipment, strive to put into operation as soon as possible, and achieve enterprise growth, local development and the benefit of the masses.


Liu Keli said that after years of technical research and development and accumulation, Yuncheng plate making group is now transforming from advanced plate making to intelligent manufacturing.Hometown is the root and nostalgia of people in Yuncheng. Yuncheng plate making group will widely apply intelligent manufacturing in Yuncheng projects, and on this basis, introduce more upstream and downstream enterprises, expand and strengthen the industrial chain, and make positive contributions to the high-quality transformation and development of hometown.(reporter Wang Wenjun)


Post time: Nov-11-2020